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        1. 你好,先生,请问小月之欧洲上流尿恋社会的作者是吗?那篇文章什么时候出新的?写的真是太好了。有点迫不及待了

  1. 你好,请问,爱丽丝憋尿的故事近期有所更新吗?我对此非常需要,精神上身体上都需要看这个故事才能解决。

    1. 目前湿热最新网址为

  2. 希望可以出一下《绝望憋尿学校》中其他学段女孩子的故事。

  3. 求救!

  4. 评论时间2020/12/12

  5. 内容真的丰富。不过看过一类漫画是触手类的东西攻击扶她尿道也很刺激,触手毕竟可以搞各种形态,形状,感觉写成小说应该很能刺激感官。

  6. 从湿热转载,原作者MT6735






    Loren是位20岁左右的年轻美女,她和我住在同一栋公寓。 今天早晨,我在上班途中在公共汽车站遇到了她,当时她正喝着31盎司(917毫升)的大咖啡。我知道不久以后这杯咖啡就会转化成尿液流进她的膀胱,但是在这个没有女厕的城市,她将不得不憋好长时间。可能至少要憋到傍晚。 但我还想再让她多憋几个小时,所以我在等公共汽车的时候和她聊了一会天,并提出下班后要和她一起吃晚饭,然后在晚些时候看电影。 令我高兴的是,Loren同意了。

    Loren was a beautiful young mid-20’s woman who lived a few stories above me at our apartment complex. I ran into her at the bus stop early this morning on my way to work, where she was sipping on a large 31 ounce (917 ml) cup of coffee. I knew she’d need to pee before long once she finished her coffee, but with no ladies rooms in the city she’d have to hold it for a good while. Probably at least until the early evening rolled around. I knew I wanted to see her hold it for longer than that, so I chatted with her for a few minutes while we waited for the bus. After a while I suggested we have dinner and see a movie later tonight after we got off from work. To my delight Loren agreed.

    下午,Loren给我发短信说她今晚要加班。因此她要等到晚上7点才能找我。 我告诉她我会在她下班时立即去接她。 我不介意她多加一会班,因为这样她在和我约会时膀胱会更加饱满,我也不打算在我们约会期间让她回家尿尿。

    During the afternoon Loren texted me that she was going to have to work a few hours of overtime. She wouldn’t get off from work until 7 PM. I told her no problem; I’d pick her up right from work when her shift ended. I didn‘t mind the delay, it met Loren’s poor bladder would be even fuller at the end of her shift, and I didn’t intend to let her go home and pee during our date.

    等到晚上7点我去接她的时候,我完全希望Loren请求我在她的公寓旁边停一会,以便她在晚餐前排空她的膀胱。Loren刚连续工作了11个小时,直到我去她的公司接她,她都没有机会排泄,因此她现在一定非常急迫。当然,如果她要求有机会回家尿尿,我就会告诉她她需要憋住。 毕竟因为她加班,我们已经迟到了。

    By the time 7 PM rolled around part of me fully expected Loren to ask if we could swing by her apartment, so she could pee before we went to dinner. Because of her overtime Loren had just finished an 11 hour shift, all without a single pee break when I picked her up right from work. If she asked for a chance to go home so she could pee, I was ready to tell her she needed to hold it. We were already running late because of her overtime.

    出乎我意料的是,尽管她显得坐立不安:纤细的的双腿交叉着,紧身牛仔裤紧紧地压迫着她肿胀的膀胱。Loren却并没有提出要提前回家放水,相反,她为她因加班而造成我们不能按时约会想我不停地道歉。 我向她保证,只要我们仍然能在晚上8点看下一部电影,我就不会介意。因为我知道这样Loren就不会有任何回家撒尿的时间,因为我们还要吃晚饭。Loren也明白这一点,但是她仍然毫不犹豫地答应了,所以我很高兴的带她去附近的一家餐馆吃饭。 吃晚饭时,尽管Loren在椅子上不停地扭动和夹腿,她还是喝了一大杯苏打水。 可能在其他地方,她一定会毫不犹豫地冲向女厕所,但是,在这个没有女厕的城市,她没有任何机会撒尿。 说实话Loren这急需尿尿,但是因为没有女厕而只能带着憋涨,甚至是胀痛的膀胱继续坚持几个小时的样子实在是让我看得陶醉。

    Instead, with her slim fidgeting legs tightly crossed, and her too-tight skinny jeans torturing her swollen bladder, Loren said nothing about her rather full bladder. Instead she apologized for her job delaying our date by several hours. I assured her I was perfectly fine with the delay, so long as we still caught the next movie at 8 PM. I knew that certainly wouldn’t give Loren any time to go home and pee first, as we still had to grab dinner. Loren knew this as well, but she still agreed without hesitation, so I happily took her to dinner at a nearby restaurant. Loren couldn’t help but fidget around uncomfortably in her seat throughout dinner as she drained her large glass of soda. But of course there was no opportunity for her to get up to go pee somewhere, there wasn’t a ladies room in the entire city. I loved knowing that Loren badly needed to pee, but she had no choice but to continue to hold it for hours longer.

    吃完晚餐,距离下一部电影开场还有大概20分钟。 尽管Loren已经到了每走几步都要停下来把即将喷出的尿液憋回去的程度,但她仍然没有请我先在她的公寓前停下来让她回家放水,这使我更加激动。再说一次,Loren已经接受了在电影结束前她没有时间回家小便的事实,这让我的计划进行的十分顺利,但是对她来说,这只会给她带来更多的痛苦!

    After dinner we had about 20 minutes to get to the theater to catch the next movie. Despite her bursting piss-filled bladder, Loren didn’t even bother to ask if we could stop by her apartment first so she could pee, which aroused me even more. Then again, Loren knew full well there wasn’t enough time for her to go home for a quick pee break before the movie, which was quite convenient for me, and quite inconvenient for her!

    在剧院入口附近有一排供男人使用的公共小便池。但是,没有女卫生间,因为在这个城市,女人们不能在除了自己家的卫生间以外的任何地方排泄。“等一下,先上个厕所。”我告诉Loren。 她礼貌地点点头,然后站在旁边等待。 我就在距离她仅几英尺的地方撒尿,并且故意把声音弄得很大,我用眼镜的余光瞟Loren,只见她紧闭着眼,手紧紧地抠着裆部,腰不停地扭动,她表现出的痛苦就像她那可怜的膀胱因为嫉妒而起义了一样。看着她憋尿的样子,我的下面兴奋了起来,这令我的排尿速度大大减慢,原本可以一分钟解决的事情却整整持续了三分钟,而Loren全程都在旁边默默忍耐。看着一位大美女憋着几升尿液却只能听我的撒尿声,我的脑海里浮起了一个邪恶的念头:“不然,我稍微刺激一下她?” “Loren怎么了,你像尿尿吗?” 话音刚落,Loren的身体剧烈地颤抖了一下,原本因为憋的直跺脚而分开的双腿又紧紧地并在了一起。但是就像之前一样,Loren还是没有对我刺激她的行为表达任何不满,“可能这也是女士的礼节之一吧。”我想。

    At the theater there were some public urinals for the men near the entrance. But of course nothing was provided for the women, they were all expected to hold it. “Hold on a minute, I need to pee” I told Loren. She nodded politely and waited; her poor swollen bladder was no doubt very jealous while I peed just a few feet away from her. I noticed she was crossing her legs, and fidgeting around anxiously as I peed, which made me extra excited. “What’s wrong Loren, do you need to pee?” I asked her casually. She nodded.

    虽然我的那句话是为了刺激她,但她还是认真地回答了我的问题:“今天上午我就已经有了尿意,而下午我就已经非常憋了,但是由于没有女厕,同时也是因为我要保持女士的礼节,所以我一直憋到了现在。”她承认到,“现在看,我应该考虑像其他一些女孩一样在午休时间回家撒尿,但是我认为从早晨出家门一直憋到晚上才是一名真正有礼节的女士应有的行为。我的同事邀请我和一些朋友一起去他家吃午饭,因为他家就住在办公室旁边,所以我接受了。今天上午我大约喝了4大杯咖啡,所以我当时真的,想找个厕所。到了他家,那些男同事一个一个的都去了卫生间。但是由于他们不愿意让我使用厕所,而我也知道我不应该在家以外的地方撒尿,所以我就一直憋着。同时,他们还在午饭的时候又让我喝了一大杯咖啡。我是我们小组中唯一一个还要加班的人。但即使我知道我必须憋到加班结束,我仍然在下午喝了2杯咖啡。” 知道了Loren即使有机会早点在同事的厕所里撒尿,但她为了遵守城市的规则而放弃了这个机会,我更加兴奋了。

    “I‘ve needed to pee pretty bad all afternoon at work. But since there aren’t any ladies rooms I could use I‘m still holding it” she admitted casually, all while I continued peeing in front of her. “In hindsight I probably should have considered going home to pee over my lunch break like some of the other girls did, but I figured I could hold it till later. And my co-worker invited me and some of the guys over to have lunch and coffee at his place, since he lives right next to the office, so I accepted. His toilet was right there in the next room while we ate & had our coffee. I had about 4 large cups of coffee this morning, so I really needed to pee by that point. The guys knew I really needed to use the toilet as they all used it one by one while I waited for my chance to go. But since the guys didn’t offer to let me use the toilet I knew I wasn‘t allowed to pee, so I just held it. I was the only one in our group who went back to work still unrelieved, knowing I’d have to hold it the rest of my shift. Even though I really needed to pee bad in the afternoon I still helped myself to 2 more cups of coffee when I got thirsty” she admitted sheepishly. Knowing Loren had a chance to pee earlier in her co-worker‘s toilet, but she had skipped it out of obedience to the city’s rules, and she was still holding it hours later made me even more excited.

    “所以你就一直憋到了现在?”我撒完尿提上裤子时随便地说。 Loren点点头,因为她已经被来自膀胱和耳朵(指我小便时的水声)折磨的的快要说不出话。“谢谢你即使憋的快要爆炸还是为我省去下班后陪你尿尿的时间。”“你已经憋了多长时间?” 我好奇地问。 “从我今早最后一次上厕所开始已经过去了13个小时,谢谢您对我这么长时间的坚持的认可。我可怜的膀胱真的会因为我没有抓住在午餐时间使用厕所的机会而讨厌我,不进如此,我还放弃了下班后回家撒尿的机会。但是,我认为我们什么时候撒尿不应该由我们决定,而是你们,这是女士的礼节。“她又补充到,“在我们去吃晚饭之前,你没有给我机会让我回家尿尿,所以我想你一定想让我憋着。看着你在小便池里尿尿让我憋的更难受了。” 她用手紧紧按住私处,交叉着双腿扭动着。

    “So you’ve been bursting to go for a while then” I remarked casually as I finished peeing. Loren nodded as she continued to twist herself into desperate knots. “I really appreciate how you skipped your chance to go pee afterwork for me. You didn’t even ask me if you could go home to pee before we went out, even though you badly needed to. How long has it been since you’ve last gone?” I asked curiously. “It’s been 13 hours since I’ve last gone early this morning, I’m glad you at least appreciate me holding it for so long. My poor bladder really hates me for skipping the chance to use a perfectly good toilet over lunch, and for passing up a chance to go home and pee after getting off from work. But with a lady’s proper etiquette it wasn’t really up to me if I got to go or not, it was up to you guys” she pointed out. “You never offered me a chance to go home and pee before we left for dinner, so I figured you obviously wanted me to hold it. Watching you go in the urinal has only made me need to pee so much worse now” she added as she openly held herself.

    我接着说:“你可以一直憋到电影放完之后吗?现在真的没有时间回家小便了。” 我们要看的电影长达3个半小时,所以Loren知道我要她再坚持至少4个小时。

    “Can you hold it till after the movie? There‘s really no time for you to go home and pee now” I pointed out. The movie we were seeing was over 3 and a half hours long, so Loren knew I was asking her to hold it for at least another 4 hours.

    “要忍耐那么长时间会很难,我已经憋了十三个小时了,我感觉我的膀胱正在胀痛。”她坦率地承认, “但是,如果你认为有必要的话我可以憋到电影结束。我们女士应该在任何需要我们憋尿的时候乖乖憋住。”她乖乖地回答。

    “It‘s going to be hard to wait that long; I need to pee so frigging bad already” she admitted candidly. “But yes, I can hold on for you till after the movie. Us ladies are supposed to hold it if we have to” she answered obediently.

    到了窗口,我们买了票,然后去买了一些点心。 作为一名“绅士”,我当然给Loren买了42盎司(1242毫升)的苏打水,这是影院能买到的最大瓶的苏打水。 对于膀胱已经爆满的Loren来说,这真是一个“完美”的水量(至少我是这么认为的)。 即使还需要坚持几个小时才能撒尿,我相信Loren女士不会拒绝它。因为她明白,这座城市中有很多男人都喜欢女孩子憋尿的样子,而憋的越久的女孩会得到越多的喜爱。所以一些自大的女士特意为自己点了大杯酒,就是为了让自己更佳性感,并证明自己并不需要女厕所。 我知道Loren是那些整天都喜欢憋着尿的骄傲的女士之一。

    With that settled we bought our tickets and went to get some refreshments. Being a gentleman I of course got Loren a 42 ounce (1,242 ml) soda, the largest size they had. It was the perfect size for a lady with an already full bladder. Even with the prospect of needing to hold on for hours more to come hanging over her head, I knew Loren would be too polite a lady to refuse it. She knew plenty of guys in the city loved it when their girl badly needed to pee, the longer she had been holding it in the better. Some prideful ladies purposely ordered large drinks for themselves just to be sexy, and to prove that they weren‘t concerned by the lack of a ladies room. I knew Loren was one of those prideful ladies who probably enjoyed holding it all day.

    不出所料,Loren礼貌地接受了大杯的苏打水,即使她紧张不安的双腿已经紧紧地绞在了一起,脸上也有些忧虑。她还是喝了一大口,却没有对她已经在打颤的尿道口抱怨一句话。 她已经急切的需要上厕所了,但是作为一为女士,她知道在任何情况下她都绝对不能在公共场所撒尿! 她现在需要坚持到整部电影结束。对于Loren来说,这段我故意选择的最长的电影简直就是一场噩梦,因为这会强迫她在14个小时没有去厕所的情况下继续憋好几个小时! 我还故意选了离出口最远的座位,因为这可以让我们更晚离开电影院。 由于Loren膀胱的情况,我可以确定,她根本没有把心思放在电影上,而我也只是关注着Loren美妙的姿势,同样也没有对电影进行过多的关注。

    So Loren politely accepted the large drink, even with a nervous tremor in her fidgeting legs, and a hint of worry on her face. She even politely took a long sip for me, without a word of complaint about her already throbbing little pee hole. She was already dying to use the toilet, but as a lady she knew she absolutely wasn’t allowed to pee in public under any circumstances! She was stuck holding it for the entire movie now. It was too bad for Loren that I had purposely chosen the longest movie possible, just to keep her waiting even longer! I had even gotten us seats all the way in the back, as far from the entrance as possible, all to slow our exit later. With all the action in Loren’s swelling bladder, I doubted either of us were going to be paying much attention to what was on the big screen.

    这是一个比平时短的故事,因为最近我正尝试撰写较短的高质量故事,因此这篇故事也花费了我很长的时间。 这个故事将在part2结束(part2将在一段时间后发布)

    It’s a shorter story than usual for me I know, I’m attempting to write shorter higher quality stories lately so it doesn’t take me quite as long to finish them. This story will be concluded in a part 2 at a later date.

  7. 从湿热上搬运,原作者MT6735





    Sorry for the long delay, but I finally have part #2. 

    没有女厕的城市 – 绝望的约会 – 第二部分

    City Without a Ladies Room – The Very Desperate Date – Part #2



    I knew that Loren‘s poor swollen bladder was feeling quite a bit heavier than it had been a few hours ago, how could it not after that large soda I had gotten her? Her too-tight skinny jeans were no doubt painfully squishing her very unrelieved bladder as she squirmed around in her seat in obvious discomfort. But obviously I didn’t intend to let Loren go home and pee anytime soon!

    “喝了42盎司(1242 ml)苏打水,你现在感觉怎么样?”我明知故问。她紧紧地夹紧双腿,不停扭动,努力配合着她那已经逼近极限的括约肌将洪水锁在她那早已凸成一座小山丘的膀胱内。

    I leaned over and asked Loren how bad she needed to pee now that she had drained her entire 42 ounce (1,242 ML) soda. She hesitates nervously, I know her throbbing little pee hole is burning with exhaustion after all that soda. She grinds her slim thighs together anxiously, struggling to avoid springing a badly needed leak.

    “我……我觉得我还可以憋住,但是我真的感觉很糟糕,每隔几秒钟都会有一股尿液冲刷我的尿道,我只有忍着疼痛用尽全力夹腿才能忍过去。如果我现在能去洗手间那我一定会非常舒服。”说着,她像一个即将失禁的小女孩一样在大庭广众下用手抓住了自己的尿道口。 她接着说:“我的膀胱真的已经满了,不信你摸摸看。”她把我的手放在了她隆起的膀胱上,让我摸一下她的膀胱。刚开始我很温柔,然后我开始用手指轻轻敲打,我感觉到她肿胀的膀胱就像一块石头一样硬。 我的敲击给她的膀胱带来了更大的压力,但看到Loren就算已经被增加的压力弄得坐立不安也没有阻止我,我的胆子也大了起来,直接把她那如钢板般坚硬的膀胱压下去了近一厘米。令我惊喜的是,虽然Loren剧烈地颤抖了好几下,把手用力地按在了下面,但她还是毫无怨言地忍受了这一切,我高兴地对她笑了笑。

    “I… I think I‘ll be ok for now, but it’s getting really frigging bad Lee. A trip to the toilet would feel SOOO frigging good right about now!” she confessed as she openly held her crotch like a desperate little girl. “My bladder is nearly filled to the brim, you should feel how full it is Lee” she added, inviting me to touch her swelling bladder bulge. So I did. I was gentle at first, her swollen bladder felt hard as a rock when I lightly tapped it with my finger. Loren fidgeted around anxiously in her seat at the added pressure, but she didn‘t ask me to stop, so I took that as encouragement to press down more firmly. To my pleasant surprise Loren bore it all without complaint, as if her too-tight skinny jeans had left her well trained bladder numbed to the added pressure. I grinned happily at her.


    “I know it‘s selfish of me, but I’m really glad you haven‘t been able to pee since I saw you drinking that large coffee at the bus stop early this morning. I knew you’d need to pee before long after draining that large coffee, but I was really hoping you wouldn‘t get a single chance to pee all day before we went out to the movies. It makes me excited knowing you need to pee so badly after holding it for the last 15 hours” I confessed.


    “Lucky you then Lee, I live too far from work to even consider going home to pee over my lunch break. Not that I would anyway if I could” Loren teased. “I had 4 large coffees this morning, so I seriously needed to pee by the time my lunch break arrived. But of course there weren’t any ladies rooms I could use, and the urinals were obviously out of the question, so I had to cross my legs and hold it like a lady should. It sucked for me and my poor throbbing bladder, but some of the guys certainly enjoyed seeing me getting desperate. One of them invited me and the other guys over to have lunch and coffee at his place, so I agreed to come along. His toilet was right there just waiting for me to use it, I could have sat on it and taken a nice long pee. But since it wasn’t my toilet I needed to wait for my host’s permission first; it wouldn’t have been polite for me to simply ask him if I could pee. I waited for his permission to go pee, but he never gave it, even after all the guys had gone. So I just crossed my legs and held it while I drained another coffee over lunch”.

    “也就是说,他们在明知早上你喝完几大杯咖啡膀胱早已涨满还给你灌了一大杯咖啡?这确实让人觉得有点残忍,但我很高兴你控制住了排泄的欲望,那些同事肯定是想让你出丑,放弃女士应有的礼貌,一看到厕所就绝望地冲进去开始不礼貌的撒尿。所以我敢肯定,当你放弃这种无礼的行为并且带着满满一膀胱的尿液继续下午的工作时,他们一定感到非常惊讶。我认为所有女孩都应该像你一样放弃午餐时的排泄机会。” Loren的双腿紧紧地夹着,在座位上疯狂扭动。听到了我说的话,她摇了摇头。

    “So they took you to a toilet knowing you were getting desperate after all that morning coffee. They even gave you another cup of coffee, but they didn‘t let you pee? Sounds cruel, but I’m glad you resisted the temptation to be impolite and pee without your host’s permission. The guys probably expected you to be impolite and take the opportunity to pee without their permission, seeing as the toilet was right there. So I’m sure they were very pleased when you instead held it and returned to work still feeling very unrelieved. I hope the other girls were plenty desperate with you after lunch”. Loren shook her head as she pee-danced frantically in her seat.

    但是Loren的回答却出乎我的意料:“下……下午的加班是…嗯…是我主动要……要求的”Loren的声音突然断断续续,好像下一秒她就会失禁,但她仿佛下了很大的决心,用手插到裆部,双腿用力一夹,回憋的痛苦使她啊的一声叫了出来,不过或许由于声音不大,被电影掩盖了过去,又或许这个城市的人们已经习惯了女士回憋时痛苦的叫声,并没有人注意到我们。Loren缓了十几秒:“刚刚光顾着和你说话,都忘记守闸门了。”虽然膀胱早已凸成了一座小山,但Loren还是没有忘记打趣,“中午那些同事和我说我即使一上午都没释放还能保持礼节的样子很美,于是我就猜你今天把我约出来一定希望我一整天都多喝水不要释放,并且最好在膀胱被强大的外力压着的时候还能保持女士的礼节,所以为了避免我在下班后忍不住回家尿尿,我主动申请加班,而且我也没换掉那条紧紧地压着我的膀胱的紧身牛仔裤,这样我就可以强迫自己以你最喜欢的状态和……和你约会了”Loren正说着,又一股尿液袭来,不过可能是因为Loren已经做好了准备,这次她只是颤抖了一下身体就挡住了这股尿液。Loren又和我说:我知道由于没有女厕所,我现在还要继续憋几个小时。 但是没关系,这是一名有礼节的女士应该做的,不论今晚我们的约会持续到几点我都会乖乖憋着。“她苦笑着说道,“不过说实话刚刚那一下我差点就尿在座位上了!”

    “I was the only girl at the office who didn’t get to pee over her lunch break. All the other girls got to go home and pee. And with no ladies room available I knew I wasn’t getting any relief for hours now , but I didn‘t mind. I was beginning to get turned on feeling all that pee brewing uncomfortably in my poor bladder. The guys even thanked me for toughing it out and holding it for them even when the toilet was right there, which got me thinking. I knew you’d appreciate it if I held it Lee, and showed up to our date in my too-tight skinny jeans, with an uncomfortably full bladder after holding it all day at work. So I decided to volunteer to work a few hours of overtime, just to keep myself from going home to pee before we went out” she concluded with a prideful smile. I nearly chummed right there in my seat!

    希望大家都喜欢。抱歉,这部分比第一部分短。 我本来是打算在第2部分中结束这个系列,但是我好像得了“作家病”。 我不喜欢我写的任何东西。我将会从第2部分结束的地方继续写这个故事。 因此,我决定只把我喜欢的部分发布出来,至于结尾我会另找一个日子完成。

    I hope you all enjoyed this. I‘m sorry that this part is shorter then part #1. I was originally going to try to conclude this short series in part #2, but I’ve been having issues with writer‘s block. I frankly just haven’t been liking anything I wrote to continue the series from where part 2 leaves off. So I decided to just post the part I loved, and figure out how to conclude it another day.

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  9. 最近看了一些湿热网站的文章,颇有启发。结合在别处看到的段子、资讯和自己的个人经历,我决定自己也写一篇。希望网站管理员能视文章好坏酌情加入站内,谢谢!





















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